Juvenile Law

Providing the Defense You Need

Collin County Juvenile Law Attorneys

Dedicated to Pursuing a Favorable Outcome for Your Child

Juvenile offenses can have a significant impact on your child's future. If you are a parent of a juvenile who has been accused of a crime, you are likely distraught, worried, and alarmed at the possible consequences both in the short term and for your child's adult life. 

At McDaniel Law Group, we understand your concerns. Our firm aggressively handles all juvenile matters, including juvenile offenses, status offenses, and children in need of supervision. The juvenile justice system's mission is to rehabilitate young offenders, but juvenile records can follow a child into adulthood, potentially affecting college acceptance, military service, and job opportunities. We are here to help protect your child's future from a youthful mistake. Whether you are facing a new allegation or need to seal or destroy prior criminal records, our firm can provide the assistance you need. 

Request a free initial phone or Zoom consultation with a Collin County juvenile lawyer at McDaniel Law Group by contacting us online or at (469) 960-4067.

Our Juvenile Law Practice Areas

When it comes to criminal law, anyone can make a mistake, and juveniles are no exception. Young people may be more susceptible to criminal arrests due to various factors, from peer pressure to immaturity, failure to understand consequences, emotional issues, learning disabilities, lack of a stable home life, and more. 

At our firm, we strive to treat juveniles as whole individuals instead of compartmentalizing their alleged criminal behavior from the rest of their lives. That is why we offer assistance with a juvenile's mental/emotional health that may underlie arrests and charges. This can be done by helping your child find appropriate treatment where needed, whether that involves counseling, drug rehabilitation, or other assistance. 

Because the juvenile justice system is designed to focus on rehabilitation instead of punishment, our team will always push for legal solutions in line with this goal. 

We handle all juvenile offenses, including but not limited to:

  • Theft offenses
  • Runaway
  • School conduct offenses
  • Drug charges
  • Fake ID
  • Vandalism and other property crimes
  • Criminal trespass
  • Traffic violations
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Loitering
  • Assault or battery
  • Weapons possession
  • Harassment 

Types of Juvenile Offenses

Activities that comprise typical "delinquency," such as school misconduct, disorderly conduct, or criminal nuisance are generally considered the least serious. First offenders for such behavior typically receive what would amount to a slap on the wrist. Juvenile status offenses are crimes related to the juvenile's age, such as underage drinking, school truancy, and curfew violations. These also are minor and commonly result in rehabilitation efforts.

The crimes that are taken the most seriously by prosecutors and the court system involve violence, such as assault or battery, weapons charges, or reckless endangerment. Other offenses, such as property crimes, are also treated more seriously. A previous record of such violations may impact how the juvenile court handles them. Furthermore, a juvenile offender may be prosecuted as an adult in cases such as rape, aggravated assault, or robbery.  

Our team will work tenaciously to help your youth obtain an optimum outcome through thorough case preparation and compelling arguments presented before the Texas juvenile court. 

Connect with McDaniel Law Group online or at (469) 960-4067to discuss your legal concerns with a Collin County juvenile lawyer today.

Client TEstimonials
  • Did an excellent job getting my son a very reasonable sentence.

    Did an excellent job getting my son a very reasonable sentence.

    - Lauren H.
  • Will always appreciate your work and advice!

    Thank you Mr. McDaniel for helping my husband with his situation. Highly recommend!!

    - Magaly A.